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Rostrum's Law Review

Information for Contributors

The Rostrum’s Law Review is published once every six months by RostrumLegal.Com. The next deadline for submissions is:


The advisory word limit for submissions is 8000 to 10000 words (excluding footnotes and headings). Shorter comment-style pieces, case notes and book reviews are also welcome. Submissions should also include an abstract of approximately 300 words.

All articles appearing in the Journal are refereed by at least two anonymous referees. All publication decisions are made by the Editorial Board of the Journal.

Publication Policy

All authors are required to adhere to the Publication Policy of the journal. In accordance with the Publication Policy, the Journal has an exclusive submissions policy and does not accept manuscripts that are currently under consideration by other publications or have been previously published, in whole or in part, elsewhere.

The Editors request that contributors remove submissions from publicly accessible sources, including internet sources such as SSRN, until a decision on publication has been made. This is to ensure anonymity in the referee process. Submissions accepted for publication may be posted on SSRN prior to the printing of the issue with the Editors’ permission.


Review Process

Journal’s submission process has several steps. The Editorial Board reviews every manuscript that is received. The Board then determines, on the basis of a number of considerations, whether or not to send the manuscript to referees. Not every manuscript is sent to referees. The decision not to send a manuscript to referees is made after consulting the Advisers.

Manuscripts that proceed past the initial stage then undergo a double blind refereeing process in which they are reviewed by experts in that subject matter. The Board makes publication decisions on the basis of those referee reports. Although we endeavour to provide authors with a timely decision on their submission, the referee process can take time. We suggest that authors allow 4-6 weeks for a decision from the date the manuscript is submitted for publication.

Open Access Policy

The journal supports open access. Recent articles published in the journal can be accessed free of cost at RostrumLegal.com. A copy of the journal is also available on Scribd.com.

In accordance with the Journal’s Publication Policy, authors may also publish the searchable pdf format of their article on SSRN or an equivalent database, without obtaining the consent of the Editors, so long as no fee is charged to access that database. Authors may do so immediately upon receiving the final pdf file of their article from the Editors.

In accordance with the Journal’s Publication Policy, authors must obtain the Editors’ consent if they wish to republish their article in a larger published collection or on an online forum that users access for a fee.

As noted above, to facilitate the double blind refereeing process, the Journal requires contributors to remove submissions from publicly accessible sources for the duration of the referee process.

Citation Guide

Citation in the Journal is governed by the Standard Indian Legal Citation (SILC)To assist with the editorial process, it is strongly preferred that submissions are formatted in accordance with the SILC. Bibliographies should be excluded. Citations should be in the form of footnotes.

For the purpose of help and reference to our authors we have created a quick guide to SILC. Click Here

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